Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Papa, God.

Many people refer to God as "Heavenly Father", "Our Father which art in Heaven", "Father God" But many people don't esteem Him as Father or the way they esteem Him is in comparison to their natural fathers here on earth which sometimes may not be so great. I'm trying to be as real as I can be on these Blogs so to be honest this subject is one I try to avoid but recently I had to confront myself with this issue.

I don't know when it started to happen but me and my dad slowly but surely begin to disconnect, we lived in the same house but it was like I was cold and hard and he was just there. In my own little heart I felt like as a parent he should have known why I became cold and hard towards him or at least asked and I felt like if he was too prideful to not even care to know why then I wouldn't care to tell him either. So our conversation became menial nothing deeper than surface level. Like I said I don't know when it happens, (when my dad and I's relationship disintegrated) but I do know that it wasn't anything drastic, it was always the little things, the seemingly innocent comments thrown around and majorly the lack of action and then BOOM I wake up one day and I have resentment in my heart towards my dad. 

Do you think that is not going to affect my relationship with my Heavenly Father? Answer: Majorly!

It's not just the resentment but it was the fact that resentment underlying roots were unforgiveness and if Jesus forgave me then I have to learn to forgive others.

I thought I was doing good, that I could just ignore my dad, really ignore the problem and still have a vibrant, fulfilling relationship with God. But no, not so. God is a God of relationship. He perfectly made people to interact, interconnect and intersect with other people. So, if a relationship is in your life that is meaningful to you is failing, you got to check that out because it might be blocking the flow of all that God wants to give you.

Right now I am in the process of learning how to quiet my spirit and soul and sit quietly before God, because sometimes the answer lies in the silence and not the hustle and bustle. I'll tell you how it goes. Remember Live out what God wants you to do today and remember He loves you so very much and wants you to be with Him.

*And Remember to always Laugh Out Loud
Pwendy A.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Misty Edwards-I Love You (God's Love for You)

Damaged Goods?

Have you ever felt like sometimes you have nothing to bring to the table?
Like someone is always smarter than you? Taller than you? Shorter than you? Prettier than you? Nicer than you?...
Have something happened to you that you now feel like you are damaged good and that you couldn't possibly be used for anything good?
Well I got Good News for you. Jesus loves you. And I know you probably heard this over and over like I have too but do you know that He loooooovvvvveeeesss you? I didn't. I knew in my head, in the songs I sung and even when I said to other people it felt real and genuine but you have to know that He loves YOU. That if you were the only person that was on earth that had fallen into sin God would have still sacrificed His Son just for you.
See, its good to make it personal. You have to know God for yourself because His relationship will be a different vibe than my relationship with Him. He loves you. Like ALOT and for real, for real. So as you enter this week, hold your head up high and know that the One who created it all, knows you, loves you and wants you for Himself.
Be Blessed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Group 1 Crew- I See You (In Everything)

Fight a Good Fight

Hello Everyone,
Now tell me if its just me but how many in the past days, hours or even few minutes have been a part of a spiritual attack, meaning the enemy might have threw a curve ball at you after church, during church, at home, in traffic... That's been me.

And trust me nothing is fun about being beat up in a fight right? I'm sure all the 'nerdy' kids can attest to that. Well I wanted to share with you few things that YOU can do before, during and even after those attacks. Why after? Because as soon as you sit back and relax sure enough the enemy will use something else to annoy you.

I was reading my devotional and it told a true story of a boxer who delivered great knock out punches, he injured himself in both hands and was told that he would never deliver a punch to that extreme anymore so he might as well give up hope on following his dream as a fighter. He rejected those words from his doctor and his trainer and said to himself "If I can't become a champion as a [power] puncher, I'll make it as a boxer."
He increased his boxing skills and learned how to bob and weave more than how to hit and leave, he learn how to throw accurate punches more than potent ones. Before long he was fixed to fight one of the most feared boxer at the time, people ridiculed him because they saw who he was up against and he stood no chance. But lo and behold, Gene Tunney won the fight! He outboxed his opponent and became a world champion.

First thing that I learned from reading this story is whatever area I am weak in don't dwell on that, strengthen the area that is going to help me win the fight.basically, Try it another way. Many times I am on the phone with my friends and they will tell me of how they were in prayer for four hours or they will share how they wake up at 5 in the morning to pray and to be honest its a little intimidating and then I start to think "Well maybe I should do what they are doing, it seems to work for them." So I try it their way and I fail miserably and then the whole guilt cycle begins. For me is writing and reading the word out loud that's my accurate punches. What yours?

Second thing that I picked up, is he told himself that he was going to do it. No one can make you do something you don't want to do. Including winning a fight. The good thing about this fight is our enemy, Satan, is already a big fat loser. The fight is fix. The only hope the devil has is he hopes you don't one day wake up and find out who you really are because then he is through. So I know it might sound kind of weird to talk to yourself and your next door neighbor might have the local hospital on speed dial but when you are in fight you rarely do you ponder on other people's opinions.Say to yourself, "I'm not giving up, I'm standing strong on God's Word, God's promises are yea and Amen, God is not a man that He shall lie, God says he is with me always even to the ends of the earth, I trust God, I believe God." And so on. 

And the third thing is Don't Panic. I mean ask any of my friends, I could teach a class on how to worry and fret and make things more complicated, but we won't get into that right now. So in the midst of my daily battles, I use to always panic. Like OMG! panic. And I really didn't realize how silly that look to the enemy and probably to God. I have the All-Mighty on my side and the enemy has a big Loser sign on his face and I'm the one panicking? Unh Unh. Panicking just gives the enemy more leeway to mess with you, so like Joyce Meyer says, "Hold your peace".  It messes with the devil head when all hell is breaking loose and you go outside and pick some flowers whistling in the cool breeze.

I hope you got something from these few words and remember if you merely read it and don't intend to do it then it was meaningless. But when you do it that is when you begin to see breakthroughs and changes.

Be Blessed and remember God loves you and I do too :)


Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Life In The Arms Of The King- Starter Kit"

Well Welcome Everybody to my new Blog spot called "Life in the Arms of the King".

 The name came to me from a Group 1 Crew song call "I See You" on their "Ordinary Dreamers" album. It was in my spirit so I wrote it. Anyways my reason for starting this blog, my first ever blog is LIFE. Sometimes I think as Christians we struggle, but we struggle silently, covert, under the radar so nobody know that we are really dying on the inside. We go to church, we still serve on ministries but we're dying and I think its time that God wants to wake us up, He wants to blow His breath of Life on his people again. He wants us to LIVE again. So this is a place where you can be as real as you allow yourself to be, I mean if God knows everything, the very next thought that you were going to think, what's the point of hiding and not being real with him right?

This blog is dedicated to real Christian, because like my pastor always says, there is a whole bunch of "fruit, flakes and nuts" in the mix. God is looking for the "remnant of people within a remnant", the ones who have not bow down the gods of this world (1Kings 19:18) and who are still boldly waving the banner of the Most High God with no shame (Romans 1:16).

One of the ways I express myself is through writing and there are many gifts that God has place in people to express themselves. I mean myriads of things, He is not limited to only art, dance, singing and writing. So in this starter blog, I want to issue a dare, first for myself too, I dare you to seek God and ask Him to reveal in you the giftings He has specifically placed in you to glorify Him and His Kingdom.

In the book of John, the prophet John the Baptist exclaimed, "I have been baptizing with water so that He might be revealed to Israel." (John 1:31) There is something that God has called you specifically to do and in doing that thing it is going to bring glory to God and His Son Jesus. So go ahead find out what it is. And as you go understand that you are not a waste, you are not here to follow whatever is the new trend out there, you are here for a specific God-ordained reason. He loves you and I love you. Have a goodnight. 
