I always been afraid of being in a leadership position especially as a Christian. Reading in the Bible about Lucifer who attempted to take God's glory and was cast down, various kings and 'leaders' who took praise that were directed for God and were also cast down. Not good. So yes, I had my reasons for not wanting to be even close to any leadership (up front) positions. Thank God for people who know how to properly balance that but I never thought I was cut out for it. Too much pressure.
Obviously God is God, He knew my inner personal struggle and while randomly watching YouTube videos from Tenth Avenue North during one of their interview Mike Donehey spoke about this very topic.
The interviewer asked them, "How do you feel being famous, you know on stage?" (rephrase) and he broke it down by saying "Always check yourself and remember they are not following you, they are following Jesus." (rephrase).
A lot and I mean a lot of people who are doing good works, Christian, love God, are in ministry but 'they' themselves are the role models people look up to, hook unto and depend on. It should not be.Because if that person mess up, then people have an excuse to not continue their walk with Jesus. Jesus is the ONLY person people should be looking up to, hook unto, depend on. Yes, as babes in Christ, when something happened, he/she will skip over Jesus and call their pastor but as mature Christian we fall on our knees and cry to God first. If you are suffering financially BEFORE asking people for money, you tell God first. Come on, we got to stop playing God saying with our lips we love Him and honor Him but in every day life, we treat Him like He is not real or relevant in our lives.
So anyone who is in a leadership position, people are not following you. They are following God, Jesus. You must lead them to Him. Do not build your empire, you are part of an already established Kingdom.
Here is an awesome way to RE-Direct people's praises to God and not take it because first of all it's not ours to take. I love you all and Be Blessed. And remember all glory to Him. !!
AWESOME post. I love the whole layout of your blog as well =)