If you have never heard of the term church politics, it just means Who's Who, Who is the doing what, Who's looking at Who is doing what, Who is jealous of who is doing What and the list goes on. I just hate the whole thing.
If we go back to when the Church was birth after Jesus ascended and God's Spirit came to dwell among us, we can see that the Church was first and always about proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and performing signs, wonders and miracles to God's glory. Soooo... what is this about "Well, I don't like the choir leader because he didn't pick me to sing the solo so I quit!" Hello! You are not working for the choir leader. It's not about you, it's all about God! It's all about exalting Jesus' name.
If it was about you, then YOU would have to have power to heal people and save them and YOU can't do that.
So, yes, my brief encounter with church politics reminded me that there is still mess and foolishness within the church and I think it has to stop for God to have His way. Another thing is I know that problems and disagreements will arise wherever there is people, but we are not like others we have the Holy Spirit, we have Jesus and He said that the world will know us by our perfect unity because we are in Him. John 17:23. So let's not get involved in petty church drama and keep our eyes focus on Jesus.
LMBO "So I quit!" . I sometimes just wanna lay hands on everyone involved in messiness inside the church (and I dont mean healing hahah).