Friday, July 6, 2012

Woman in God's Eyes

This was just on my heart. As currently a single woman <- feels so weird saying woman because I'm 23 and don't even look it. But as a single girl, knowing that God has promised me a husband..No, I'm not called to be a eunuch like the Apostle Paul says. So I am waiting, preparing as the Spirit leads and of course fighting constantly with my flesh to stop asking the When, How, Who, Where questions and just trusting God.

But this the revelation that God gave me and maybe it can help you who are reading this. In my 'waiting' period I kept thinking "When I meet him, then I'm going to feel complete. I'm going to really know my purpose. I'm going to be whole." I mean the Bible does say Eve came out of Adam and Adam did say concerning Eve that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and God did say that the two shall become one. But if you read Genesis 2:21-23, the account of how woman was created and her purpose. You will see that it was not Adam that gave her purpose and life but it was God Almighty. He put Adam to sleep, took a rib out of him and made Eve and presented her to him. God made two complete, whole human beings to mesh into one when they come together. I know it's too awesome to completely understand. :)

So if you are also waiting for your Adam, know that God's got your back. He has not forgotten about you. And know that no one can give you your purpose except for God, the One who created you. So you have to first seek Him to find out your purpose and when you do meet your spouse you are to be his Help Mate. But primarily your purpose comes from God. <3

Check out this video of God's Great Love for you below!!

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