Sunday, July 15, 2012

All Roads Do Not Lead to God

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me." -Jesus 

In this day and age, where the Gospel is becoming watered down and lukewarm Christians are in mass production, no one wants to face the truth in the Bible. Now, is everything goes. Let's create world peace by bringing everything together.There are coexist bumper stickers everywhere. Intervarsity clubs and worship places are springing up on every high school and college campuses; there are some even at the airports. It's okay if you want to worship Buddha or Allah. Whatever you choose it's fine, it's your belief and when it's your time to go you will either go to Heaven or Hell if you believe in that or purgatory if you believe in that or turn into a rat or a cow in reincarnation I mean if that's what you believe or have 70 virgins waiting for you if you are a Muslim man or just nothing if you are an atheist. 

Truth is Jesus said, in the book of John chapter 14 verse 6, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me." 
If you are not a Christian and just so happen to be reading this you might say, "Those Christians, they think their religion is the right way. So exclusive, so close-minded. How can you make such a claim?" It's not that I am making this claim, Jesus Himself was the only person out of the history of this world who lived on earth as a sinless man and died on a Cross for each and everyone of our sins and He made this claim. He is the only one in this world's history who resurrected from the dead after 3 days from His grave defeating death itself and Satan and went back to Heaven. I read in a 'Christian' magazine in an interview the guy was asked what do you think about Heaven. And he answered well, I think it's a state of mind not really a real place. Call me crazy if you want to, but since God in Himself, cannot tell a lie, He said in John 14: 2 to His disciples who were just like you and me (filled with doubt, unbelief and a little confused); " There is more than enough room in my Father's home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?" Heaven is a physical place not just whatever you think it is, or an ethereal place. 

I've never been to outer space but an astronaut have. He/she can take pictures, get moon dust/rocks, gather stories and bring them back to earth. Because of their testimonies and their proof, I believe them. First, that they actually was in outer space and second outer space exist. Same thing, in John 3:13 it says; "No one has ascended to Heaven but He who came down from Heaven, that is, the Son of Man [Jesus] who is in Heaven." Jesus was in Heaven, He came to earth as a witness and with proof of who He said He was, the Messiah, the Savior of the World. He wasn't just talking a good talk, He proved it. John 5:36 Jesus addressed the crowd of unbelieving people; "But I have a greater witness than John--my teachings and my miracles. The Father gave me these works to accomplish, and they prove that He sent me."  and at another place where people where asking Jesus how can you claim such a thing you are just a mere man, He said, "Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do." (John 14:11). See, before Jesus came, miracles weren't happening like at all. Blind people were blind, the sick were sick, the poor was poor and worst yet the lost souls had absolutely no hope. But then Jesus came on the scene and changed everything. He made a Way by dying on that Cross to restore all things back onto the Father. 

I'm sorry, but Mary (as wonderful as she was being Jesus' mother) cannot save you because she was not God and did not die on the Cross for you. Same thing with Allah, you can call on Allah's name all you want, he cannot save you or heal you. If you study world religion, what makes Christianity stand out from all others is a couple of things:

1. God is Love. It's not just a cool statement to say or put it on a T-Shirt. The Bible says "No greater love than this than the One who would lay down His life for His friends." (John 15:13) <--talking about Jesus here. Christianity is the only 'religion' that a Sovereign God chooses to sacrifice Himself for an eternal relationship with His sons and daughters (humans). :) All other religions are guilt-ridden, shame, full of penance, and self-mutilation for acceptance. But Jesus took upon Himself all that at the Cross so that we can be saved, free and have a relationship with Him. 

2. It's a relationship not a 'religion'. Religion does not allow you to just talk to your god whenever you either have to pay a fee, physically beat yourself up, offer up physical food to an idol or your simply not worthy enough to 'talk' or 'worship' this god or idol that cannot hear you, cannot comfort you and cannot speak to you. But our God is living and He makes Himself known all the time. He hears us but not only can He hears us but He moves dramatically on our behalf. He speaks!! Religion definition in the dictionary says, "A set of beliefs that a group of people abide by." but it's more than that. Jesus told the Pharisees of His days, "You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life." (John 6:39). The Pharisees had religion; don't do this, do this, don't do that, do this, but they did not have a personal relationship with the God they studied. And this relationship is open to everyone. :) 

3. Jesus didn't just claim to be the Way and the Truth but also the Life. I sometimes asked what is the difference between those self-help books and encouragement gurus and the Holy Spirit and God. Besides one being finite and one being infinite. What God told me is that self-help book/programs may appear to have similar surface results as one being changed by God's Holy Spirit but below the surface there is only so much you can help yourself to until you need God to help you. Self-help book/programs/whatever else is your vice to creating a better life may last for a while but not forever. God is the only One who can deeply affect, rearrange and changed your entire life. He doesn't just make you better. He gives you an entire new life once you become born-again.  

4. Christianity is the only one that has proof to what it claims. All the other religion claim many things but absolutely no proof. Jesus made sure to leave His proof before He left the earth. He told all His disciples "Greater works shall you do in my name." One time, the disciples got in big trouble with the government because they preached in Jesus' name and miracles and crazy good stuff started happening just like Jesus said. The religious heads were jealous because people started believing in Jesus being the Son of God. (Mind you Jesus has already ascended back to Heaven, but miracles kept happening as the disciples had faith in Jesus). The philosophers could not philosophized these miracles. The scientist couldn't analyze the analytic data. When the disciples were brought before the High Council they were sent outside and one of the religious expert named Gamaliel told a couple of stories of man who pretended to be someone great, had a large following but  the whole movement amount to nothing so he said leave these disciples alone if they are doing these on their own doing this whole thing will soon die down but if it's truly from God you will not be able to overthrow them and you might find yourself even fighting against God Himself. Well, you know the rest of the story. We are here in 2012 and Jesus still have disciples who are doing great works in His name. Notable miracles are being demonstrated all around the world in the name of Jesus Christ not so the preacher or the ministry can get recognition but because the people being healed, saved, set free and delivered God loved them so much and that was His ultimate plan. 
"For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Check this out: Heaven is definitely a Real Place and God wants YOU to be there with Him, the only Way is through His Son, Jesus.  <3

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I-Hope You Know...

I recently started working as a waitress at IHOP. My first ever waitress job. I know it's sounds super weird but I have always wanted a server job like either at a restaurant or at a fancy hotel where you have the black and white uniform and a towel over your right forearm and wait on people. Don't ask me why but I've always liked the idea of serving people and meeting a variety of people as well.
As you may well know, IHOP is not a 5-star type restaurant but what it offers is MAJOR friendliness and really good, fatty food. :) <--hey, that's why everything taste good.
It's only been my fourth day on the day I'm writing this and here is why IHOP is one of my post.

The dishwasher, as you can imagine, washes hundreds of dishes at light speed and doesn't necessarily dry every single piece of silverware which in turn leaves watermarks on the silverware giving it the look that it's 'dirty' but it's not. Now, I've encountered people (and trust me I was one of those people before I started working at IHOP and started putting 2 and 2 together) who are very haughty when they say this, "This knife is dirty" (insert stink face here) "Can I get another one." (customer rolls eyes with the 'I-can't-believe-they-gave-me-a-dirty-utensil' huff). At this point, its useless to try to explain to the customer that it's not dirty but it is just water mark because we don't hand dry our utensils....uh never mind. They just want to see a clean, brighter than diamond sparkly clean knife.
The Scripture from Matthew 15:11 came to mind after this happened to me a few times at IHOP; 

"It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled  by the words that come out of your mouth."  

So many of us are overly concern about what goes in our mouths but not what comes out of it. Jesus said in both Luke 6:45 and Matthew 12:34 that what comes out of your mouth is determined by what is in your heart. Your speech surely does betray you either for the good or bad. So what is left to ask ourselves is, "How can I get good in my heart so what comes out is good?".... Well, it's two-part deal. 
  • First, you must GUARD your heart. In Proverbs 4:23, it says "Guard your heart above all else for it  determines the course of your life." If you are constantly listening to crap, that thing is getting in you and sooner or later if you are not guarding your heart, crap gets in you and crap will come out. So guard you heart, do whatever it takes. If its stopping following that stupid show or stopping hanging out or having a long conversation with a certain individual, do it. Don't let garbage get in you. 
  • Secondly, you must FILL you heart with the WORD OF GOD which you can only find by reading the Bible yourself (emphasis on yourself). It is great to sit under a man and woman of God and eat from what they have brought to you, but God is a personal God and want to fellowship with you one-on-on on a daily basis. Psalm 119:9,11 says; "How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word."--"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." 

There is no way you can obey God's Word, if you don't know God's Word or have purposefully hidden His Word in your heart. 
The Bible is not just a religious book, but its God's Living, Breathing Word. Those Words can bring to life things that have been dead in your life. But again, you have to read it, get to know it for yourself, so this beautiful life-transforming relationship with Jesus to begin. 

Be Blessed, 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Woman in God's Eyes

This was just on my heart. As currently a single woman <- feels so weird saying woman because I'm 23 and don't even look it. But as a single girl, knowing that God has promised me a husband..No, I'm not called to be a eunuch like the Apostle Paul says. So I am waiting, preparing as the Spirit leads and of course fighting constantly with my flesh to stop asking the When, How, Who, Where questions and just trusting God.

But this the revelation that God gave me and maybe it can help you who are reading this. In my 'waiting' period I kept thinking "When I meet him, then I'm going to feel complete. I'm going to really know my purpose. I'm going to be whole." I mean the Bible does say Eve came out of Adam and Adam did say concerning Eve that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and God did say that the two shall become one. But if you read Genesis 2:21-23, the account of how woman was created and her purpose. You will see that it was not Adam that gave her purpose and life but it was God Almighty. He put Adam to sleep, took a rib out of him and made Eve and presented her to him. God made two complete, whole human beings to mesh into one when they come together. I know it's too awesome to completely understand. :)

So if you are also waiting for your Adam, know that God's got your back. He has not forgotten about you. And know that no one can give you your purpose except for God, the One who created you. So you have to first seek Him to find out your purpose and when you do meet your spouse you are to be his Help Mate. But primarily your purpose comes from God. <3

Check out this video of God's Great Love for you below!!