This was on my heart so I decided to use my public journal (this blog) to write about it.
I am not one to bare it all (especially on social media) but it's about to get real transparent in this entry. Ready? (Hope this helps somebody).
As a single person, knowing that God has put a desire for marriage in me, one of my gifts to my future husband (whoever and wherever he is lol) is I'm writing letters about things that are happening in my life as I wait for him. And this will be one of my many wedding gifts to him. <--This girl will be showering her husband with gifts on that wedding day and night. lol.
A few days ago, I wrote a very transparent letter to him stating that I am now ready to be hurt by him. "Excuse me, what did she just say? Ready to be hurt? Are you crazy?" Yes, I said it right. How can you be ready to be hurt by somebody? Well, for more than a long time I have tried my hardest (it seemed like my life mission almost) to try to avoid being hurt because I was hurt in my childhood. I didn't want to ever, ever get hurt again. And let me tell you trying not to get hurt takes up a lot of energy. Dodging, escaping, ignoring, isolating. It's a lot of energy. And you really just end up hurting yourself. There are a lot of people out there who love you, who want to love you, who God has placed in your life to show forth His unconditional love and if you let them they will do just that. It's a risk, I know but keep reading.
Jesus (God Incarnate) was on this earth for 33 years, He did what He came to do; died on the Cross for you and me and now it was time for Him to return back to the Father in Heaven. The disciples were like "So you are just going to leave us? I thought you were our friend...wait where are you going again?....Heaven?...Can we come?" (Maybe they didn't ask all those questions... I know I would). Jesus promised them when He ascends to Heaven they will not be left as orphans, the Holy Spirit, who is the Comforter, would come. He will never leave them or forsake them. Even until the end of the age. (Meaning the end of this world).
In John 17:15, Jesus was praying for us He prayed this, "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." Jesus knew that in this world, we were going to get hurt even though He is always with us, so He sent the Comforter (Holy Spirit) for those times in our life. Think about it, why would we need a Comforter if we weren't going to need comforting.
I found in my walk with the Lord that HE IS THE ULTIMATE HEALER. Let me say it again, ULTIMATE HEALER. I am firmly holding on the truth found in Revelation 21:5 Jesus said, "I am making everything NEW!" *You should go ahead and read that whole chapter in Revelation--it's so good* Noticed Jesus didn't say, I am piecing the broken pieces back together with some glue and tape and showing it forth as new. He doesn't refurbished the past hurt in our lives. He gives us a new life. How you ask? Well, the memories will still be there, "So and so hurt me" "So and so disappointed me" but supernaturally the pain of those memories will be gone! Meaning they won't hold you captives anymore, you can live and have a beautiful God-breathed life. He will do that just for you!
No one in this world can do this for you and for me. No one can take something that was broken and hurt beyond recognition and make it NEW! This same depiction is found in the way Jesus died. He was not just crucified. He was badly beaten, the Bible said He was not even recognizable as Jesus. He was basically mauled by the Roman soldiers, they call it the half-death. It was not just a little whipping. His body was broken for our sake (hence the breaking of the bread for Communion to honor His sacrifice for me and you). But then 3 days later, Father God raised Him up new. So new that Thomas, one of his disciples, said he needed to see the nails and his hand to make sure that this was the risen Christ. So Jesus being awesomely Himself appeared and showed Thomas his nail pierced hand and then he believed.
Isn't that awesome guys? God, the Only One, makes all things in your life new. Being hurt is a part of life, even Jesus didn't deny that, but He also promised that no one can hurt you more than He can make you whole and heal you. He believes in you, even if you don't believe in Him. I pray right now that you will come to Him. He is not mad at you. He is not going to mock you and say, "Ahh, you finally came to your senses. I told you so." He is so loving, so willing.... He will embrace you, He will comfort you, He will forgive you and He will put you in your rightful position again. Head up, Whole, and With Him.
I must say that this is not an overnight thing! I have heard very few testimonies of people who were just totally and completely healed from past hurt overnight. Most hurt fester for years, God is the author of time. He does not function in time like we do, so no worries and no rush. Let Him take you through the healing process in His time. Your healing might take 10 years! (but it's still worth it). Don't look over to the next person and miserably say "Oh God, look at them. They are healed and whole and look at me." He will probably exclaimed, "Look at you! My Daughter, My Son you are being healed as we speak." Trust God with your life. Believe that He makes all things new. He is definitely not afraid to prove it to you. His track record is clean. (So fresh and so clean, clean*)
So shall we recap.
1. In this life, it is futile to try to run away from being hurt. We are all imperfect humans in this world, (think of how many times you unconsciously hurt someone by something you did or didn't do). So it is inevitable.
2. It's okay to be honest with God and others (appropriately) about your hurt. *I will write a blog soon enough about being a happy fake person* But know it's okay to say, "I'm hurt!"
3. God is the ultimate healer. No one can heal you like Jesus can. He is like the ultimate Mr. Fix it! Trust me He is!
4. What is there to lose? Hiding in your closet, underneath your blanket, behind loads of work, constant partying, fake smile or even with yourself is not going to get you whole and healed any quicker. Run to God, sit quietly at His feet (I bet He is already wooing you to Him right now even as we speak--He is a loving Father, remember).And watch Him calm all your fears, watch as He, Himself begins to heal and mold and shower His unfailing, unconditional love on you.
5. If you remember, days, weeks and months from now, come back and write your testimonies about what God has done for you, how He has healed you on this blog. If you don't remember, tell somebody, somewhere, anyone who will listen about what He has done in you and for you lol. It might just changed their life.
Be Blessed.